About Me
Who the hell I am?
In a few words, I'm a passionate self-educated engineer. I'm a dreamer. I'm a travel addict. I love playing music and I believe in Arts.
As developer I believe in an open-source world where everybody can share their creations. As dreamer I believe in an open world where people can share their ideas.
Ok, but...
Alright. I grew up in the South of France but I stay stick on the roads as much as I can. I always tried to learn everything I could on my own because in my experience, it's the best way to grow up.
After working on some projects, testing many programming languages, I started to work in aerospace industry then I reoriented myself to the web.

See My Resume (PDF)Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime."
Work Experience

CEO | Fullstack web engineer / Vue / React / Node
WNKL, a Website and App development company
January 2021 - Now
Conception of many (non-exhaustive list) personal and profesional projects.
- Creation of Mixider , a platform for creating playlists from YouTube, Soundcoud, Dailymotion and so on.
- Creation of wAudio, a modern audio processing app boilerplate.
- Creation of Svalbox , an innovative and impressive virtual try-on.
- Development of the backend part of Shaft, a modern data-visualisation app.
- Development of modules, widgets and rebuild of some core features of BeMyApp , a hackathon and video conferences platform.
- Development of the backend part of a multi-purpose booking app for Gerard Bertrand.
Angular Architecture Audio API AWS Express.js Firebase MongoDB Next.js Node.js Nuxt.js React SQL Tailwind Vue.js

IT Manager / Lead Developer
Polette BV, an e-commerce eyewear platform
August 2015 - October 2020
Conception and maintenance of an e-commerce platform based on Magento, including a website and a mobile application connected through a GraphQL API.
In addition to being lead developer in many projects, I created and managed the IT team (several developers and a UX designer).
Conception of a custom migration tool from Magento 1 to Magento 2 for the Production website, including:
- the tool itself, developped and tested on several Test platforms using huge datasets
- some MySQL scripts for database migration
- the whole rebuilding of all the internal Magento modules using PHP and Javascript
- the total restructuring of the platform including new algorithms with improved maintainability
Conception of Product Management modules (frontend / backend), including:
- the stock management
- some custom product options that improve the frontend display
- the suppliers and internal reorder management
- some custom Vue.js components displaying custom product options and variants
- the eye glass prescriptions management including a form Vue.js component with prescription validation algorithm, another rendering Vue.js component and some backend algorithms about handling and storage of these prescriptions
Conception of Customer Service modules (frontend / backend), including:
- a client-side routed contact form Vue.js component
- the transactional email management and routing towards external support platforms
- the whole rebuilding of the order status flow
- a Vue.js reordering component
Conception of Merchandising modules (frontend / backend), including:
- a Javascript 2D rendering component displaying shelves with some drag&drop features to reorganise the products
- a "master" interface about managing the products in showrooms, creating reorders and dealing with the suppliers
- a "slave" interface for the merchandising inside the showrooms
- a tool printing QRcodes by products that can be scanned in the mobile application
Conception of Logistics modules (frontend / backend), including:
- the development of the whole Logistics platform, from order validation to shipping
- the order conception / assembling tracking including automatic transactional emails
- the integration of some carrier API about the shipping management
- the development of Magento custom shipping & payment methods
Complete redesign of the frontend based on Node.js. To do this, I developed a custom framework based on Express.js, including aweb socket management (real-time client / server notifications) and clustering (software load-balancing on the server's CPUs).
This framework integrates many features, all developed from end to end, such as:
- a whole ORM (based on MongoDB)
- a service-oriented architecture
- the internationalisation management
- a routing system using applicative middlewares (like the graphQL API, the website, a payment endpoint, image cache, ...)
- a custom Backoffice that makes possible to manage the whole content of the website (custom CMS layer)
- frontend templating system using Bootstrap 4, jQuery and Vue.js
Conception of a full GraphQL API on top of the RESTful Magento 2 API fixing many known Magento bugs and bringing other custom functionalities.
Conception of a Vue.js virtual tryon component that uses the camera to display glasses on top of the customer face in real time, including:
- a face tracker using machine learning (external package)
- a Threejs 3D rendering component
- a swiping component (like Facebook or Instagram filters) making possible to select different colors and tints
Management tasks and DevOp:
- architect: conception of all hardware and software platforms, database design
- project manager: management and monitoring of projects for my team and myself
- team manager: making sure my team evolve in the best working conditions
- QA engineer: ticket management, unit and end-to-end tests
Agile Algorithmic API Architecture Backend Bootstrap CMS CSS Data migration Docker E-commerce Express.js Fonctional tests Frontend GraphQL Grunt Gulp.js HTML Javascript jQuery Kanban LESS Linux Mac OS X Magento MongoDB MySQL Network Node.js PHP Project management Prototyping QA RESTful SASS SEO Shell scripting Team management Three.js UML Unit tests V-model Vue.js

Web Engineer
Living Objects, a network analytics platform
March 2014 - October 2014
Conception of web-based applications dedicated to Network Performance Management
Development of Javascript components handling huge datasets with any performance degradation, including:
- some improved jQuery select components with DOM lazy-loading
- the migration from jQuery to React.js using tested algorithms about data handling
Conception of PHP endpoints that collect and return aggregated data for Javascript components.
Help about developing some server-side graphic libraries (charts & maps).
Help about developing software and maintaining distributed network architectures.
First use of Docker, React.js and remote work.
Agile Algorithmic API Backend Bootstrap CSS Frontend HTML Javascript jQuery Kanban Linux MySQL PHP React.js RESTful Symfony

Apprentiship Engineer
Thales Alenia Space, a French-Italian aerospace manufacturer
September 2010 - June 2013
Implementation of multi-threading and access methods in an open-source satellite telecommunication system emulation distributed platform called OpenSand.
Reseach and development about the addition of a network layer transferring Internet data through a satellite signal
Drafting of specifications and specifications for V-model monitoring, including possible scenarios and the various algorithms to be set up and tested.
Development and maintenance of a network application distributed on several physical machines, one of which corresponding to the satellite.
Research of end-to-end data encoding and validation algorithm, tests and development.
Algorithmic Automake C C++ Fonctional tests IPC Linux Multi-threadind Network Shell scripting UML Unit tests V-model

Vacancy Developer / Project Manager
CNES, the French government space agency
May 2010 - August 2010
Conception of a remote iPod application driving a model of the space robot sent to Mars (Rover MSL / Curiosity) and an associated 3D simulator.
Team management (6 developers) and their assigned projects for 1 month, as part of a school project.
Lead developer of the global project, which followed a vacant position of developer within CNES.
Design and development in C / C ++ / Objective-C of the iPod application, including:
- the source code migration from C# to Objective-C
- the piloting of the robot
- the triggering of automated tasks
- the robot's camera stream displayed in full screen on the application
Addition of functionalities to remotely control a software 3D simulator of the robot trough the WiFi.
API C C# C++ Mac OS X Mobile application Objective-C Project management Team management UML V-model

EADS Astrium, the European aeronautic defence and space company
January 2009 - Now
Restructuring of the testing environment of electronic cards embeded in racks, improvement of testing tools and updating of an owner programming language.
Automate Flex / Bison Lex / Yacc Linux Parsing Shell scripting

Engineering Degree (Development & Telecom Networks)
ENSEEIHT, a top-ranking French engineering school in computer sciences
September 2010 - June 2013

2-year post A-level course (HNC)
Limayrac Institute, a school in computer sciences for industry and services
September 2008 - June 2010
Promotion major 3th Academic position

French A-level in sciences (Mathematics, Physics & Biology)
Pierre-Paul Riquet Institute
September 2005 - June 2008