Passionate Developer

As a passionate self-educated, I've been working on many projects since my childhood in a lot of different domains.

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Committed Worker

I feel involved in my position, always looking for new challenges after finding the solutions to solve the current ones.

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Awesome Musician

If you like good music, let's explore some tracks I created. Nothing serious here, but some stuff I would like to share.

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Amazing Projects

Some personal projects I built during my free time

Mixider, a multi-platform video player

Mixider is a modern platform on which users can create playlists from Youtube, Soundcloud, Dailymotion and so on.

Website Introduction (FR only)

React 18 Nextjs Vercel Tailwind CSS

wAudio, an audio processing app

wAudio is a modern audio processing app boilerplate acting like a complex set of VST. Based on the web audio API, it currently offers some features like the creation and routing of any native web audio node, or MIDI mapping.


React 18 Web audio API Tonejs

Svalbox, a eyewear virtual try-on

Svalbox is a commercial web app that display 3D glasses on the customers face using their camera and more. Everything is customisable, including:

  • a modular input stream supporting an image, a video or the camera
  • a modular face tracker component providing several technologies using machine learning and / or Web Assembly, to optimise the image processing
  • a modular 3D rendering component, only Threejs is currently available

Website Documentation

Svalbox also comes with a full Insight Dashboard component which can be integrated in any back office. It displays all the metrics about the component use, and more.

Vue.js 2 TensorFlow Threejs Expressjs Chart noSQL

Winky became a next-gen CMF for artists (3/3)

Winky was rebuilt from scratch as a professional project must do. Inspired by the powerful Magento2 CMF, the development stack includes Javascript, PHP, MySql and gulp with a Less themes management. As a CMF, it contains those layers:

  • it's a PHP framework, like Symfony, including many features like the CLI support, the routing with controllers, a ready-to-use RestFUL API integration, a CRUD, the observers support and more. It also supports custom modules
  • on top of this layer comes a powerful CMS app which provides an Admin Dashboard including many modules about media managements, layout processing and more
  • the last layer being Winky itself, as the previous version

Winky, like WordPress, can be used as a SaaS app, where customer subscribe and get their website for free, or self-hosted.

PHP jQuery Gulp Docker Apache nginx mySQL

Project not maintained

La Clandestine, a handmade accessories online shop

La Clandestine is an e-commerce platform selling plenty of accessories, from leather bags to laptop covers. All those accessories were handmade and tailored by a unique Stylist who associates leather work and crocheting to offer some beautiful creations.

This website is unfortunately not online anymore, but its owner is still full of talent. Let's wish her a good continuation.

PHP Thelia jQuery

Project not maintained

Winky became a CMS for artists (2/3)

Because of the trend about social networks, Winky became more focused about the "website" part than the social interaction. It provided a free and easy way for artists to create their own website in a few clicks.

Introduction (FR only)

The same functionnalities were offered, but much improved. The Flash players were replaced by modern HTML5 waveforms, the platform became responsive, a template engine was added, and more.
Here are some technical doc about the music players or the exportable calendar (FR only).
Being currently broken, all the data will be migrated to the new platform.

PHP jQuery Apache mySQL

Project not maintained

Windraw, a serverless image editing application

Windraw is a native Javascript app for vectorial image edition. It was also designed to be easily embeddable in any WebOS.
Built before SVG came out, Windraw uses canvas to draw any forms and display images from the disk or the user camera and provides many tools like the layer management, rendering effects as brightness, saturation and more.

Website Introduction (FR only)

Windraw also comes with a powerful script language based on Javascript making every automation possible.

Javascript jQuery

Project not maintained

Reblend, a back office for Soundcloud

Reblend was built in the exact same spirit than Soundcloud, but instead of sharing tracks with their audience, artists could share their tracks and samples between them.
Like the Soundcloud comments system, Reblend offers a way to link samples to tracks, in addition to all the basic features likes account management, message box, live chat and so on.

Reblend is a powerful website fully written in Javascript, and co-created with a Graphic Designer.

Javascript Expressjs noSQL ffmpeg

Project not maintained

wTunes, a music streaming application

wTunes was initially built as a personal music library that could be used everywhere. Because I received pretty good feedbacks I decided to make it usable by everyone, adding the accounts support.
It was then possible to create custom playlists of randomly media files from the disk, Soundcloud tracks or YouTube videos.

Introduction (FR only)

Because of some obvious copyright issues, I decided to stop this project.

Javascript Expressjs noSQL

Project not maintained

WinBy, a serverless subtitle editing application

WinBy is a native Javascript app made to easily add subtitle to any video. It was designed to be really fast and easy to use. Because it's serverless, there is no need to upload the video.

Website Introduction (FR only)

Initially made as a school project, it was improved to be beautiful, inspired by the Apple design. The subtitles can be exported as a common SRT file, usable everywhere.

Javascript jQuery

Project not maintained

Winky, a social network for artists (1/3)

Winky was initially made as an innovative social network for artists, offering a full platform and many widgets about music players, image galleries and calendars.

Introduction (FR only)

Created before many services like Soundcloud came to the market, Winky was a good alternative for artists to promote their creations around the world.
Being currently broken, all the data will be migrated to the new platform.

PHP Javascript Apache mySQL

Project not maintained

Older Projects

Some personal projects I built when I was still a teenager

13 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
17 years ago
17 years ago
17 years ago
17 years ago

Don't be shy

For any request, or if you appreciate my work, drop me a message.
I say you won’t look back.

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